The Russian Window

Dragan Velikić (autor)

The Russian Window

Dobitnik NIN-ove nagrade kritike za roman godine 2007.
Roman-omnibus sastavljen iz tri priče koje se postepeno ukrštaju i nakraju slivaju u jedan pripovedni tok. Prvi deo romana predstavljaličnu ispovest glavnog junaka, a karakterišu ga "ironični modus i vrloduhovito pripovedanje", dok drugi dio predstavlja rekonstrukcijujunakove prošlosti i preplitanje njegove lične istorije s društvenom.Velikić prati susret glavnog junaka s istorijskim događajima s kraja20. veka, njegov put od malog grada u Vojvodini, preko Beograda iBudimpešte, do drugih gradova istočne i centralne Evrope. Treći deoro

mana predstavlja zbir više glasova, ljudi bliskih glavnom junaku, akarakteriše ga dramaturški modus koji zasvođuje prve dve priče.

In this sweet and sour image of both intimate and objective European history at the end of the 20th century, the writer offers us an omnibus novel in three parts, with two main characters (an elderly man and a young man) and many accompanying portraits. Using various narrative techniques, intelligent humor and subtle irony, the protagonists summarize the chances they have missen and talk about their premonitions of the new ones to come. In doing so, they live out their stories and those of other people, looking for meaning in the past in order to understand the present. We read about the main character leaving his bombed country, dabbling in a variety of odd jobs throughout Europe, composing and decomposing his own personality which becomes clearest in the gap between the thingsexpected and the things done.For The Russian Window Dragan Velikić received the two most important literary awards in Serbia and ex-Yugoslavia - the NIN Award and teh Meša Selimović Award in 2007.

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Domaći roman
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Romani

Izdavač: Geopoetika; 2010; Broširani povez; latinica; 20 cm; 358 str.; 978-86-6145-028-0;