Forging unity - the South Slavs between East and West 550-1150

Tibor Živković (autor)

Forging unity - the South Slavs between East and West 550-1150

The book by Tibor Živković includes eighteen studies and essays, published mostly in Serbia. The book presents a general overview of the scholarly results of Živković"s research into the early Serb history, from the arrival to the Balkan Peninsula, to the 12th century; more precisely, to the great turnaround caused by the Nemanjić period. So far, this has been the least known period of the Serb history (6th-12th centuries), and it is important for the shaping of the medieval state and society. Thro

ugh study of the concrete topics dealing with wider South Slav area (including Serbs, Bulgarians, and Croats), Živković studies Serb history in the Southeastern Europe in the context of a number of complex events, which influenced foundations of modern Europe in other parts of our continent as well (ancient Greek and Roman civilizations and peoples that migrated into their areas, current state of affairs and structure of the Slav society, influence of the Mediterranean culture and continental hinterlands, Byzantium and the Slav world, the role of Serbs in all of that, Podunavlje and Primorje, cities and religion, etc.). For a number of years, the author consistently built a new concept of Balkan and Serb history. His topics are Byzantological in the core, Latin in the reach, and Serbian in the basic content. Živković looks for his subjects in Central Europe (history of the Hungarians, Podunavlje), in Greece and in the Pelopponesus, and in South Italy. This is the interdependency of peoples and cultures through which Serbian medieval culture was formed. The East and the West in Serbia, this is the scholarly road, all the way to Studenica and Sopoćani. Through his works, Živković enables us to understand this road much better.

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Južni Sloveni , Vizantija , Istorija Vizantije
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Istorija

Izdavač: Istorijski institut SANU; 2008; Broširani povez; latinica; 24 cm; 350 str.; 978-86-7558-573-2;