The Tocco of the Greek Realm
Nobility, Power and Migration in Latin Greece (14th - 15th centuries)

Nada Zečević (autor)

The Tocco of the Greek Realm

Originally from the Italian South, the Tocco family became one of the most prominent kindreds in Latin Greece during the 14th and 15th centuries. By exploring the elaborate structures of their power through all five generations that ruled the Greek regions of the Heptanese, Epiros and Peloponnese, the Tocco of the Greek Realm reveals an intricate nexus of dynamic personal and political relations, as well as larger socio-historical processes that transformed this family from junior nobility of the Angevin Naples into independent elite ruling a region on the crossroads between the Byzantine East and the Latin West.

In doing so, this saga of the Tocco nobility, power and migration gives a critical overview of the early-modern and modern scholarship dealing with this family, cross-examining, at the same time, a most extensive pool of primary sources: Latin and Greek narratives, family documents and genealogies until now largely unpublished or little known to the scholarship, legal sources and diplomatic correspondence, commercial books and archeological reports.

“The new details and conclusions revealed in this account on the family’s micro-history and the role the family played in the region will surely require a new assessment of the Tocco as an example of late medieval-early modern elites’ handling the changing conditions in a changing world.” (Prof. Emeritus János Bak, Central European University, Budapest).

“The Tocco family was from the noble stratum that is usually overlooked by the overall delineations, but not low enough to be overlooked by our sources...This kind of regional rulers has to act in the name of the overlord, but, at the same time, urgently needs social, as well as economic standing...Processes of this kind normally take generations, and exactly these generations, together with their protagonists, political and social actions and self-conceptions are step by step taken into account: an image of inclusion and then, again, exclusion by the tides of time is meticulously shown by Nada Zečević.” (Prof. Felicitas Schmieder, Fakultät für Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften, FernUniversität, Hagen).

Poreklom sa juga Italije, tokom 14. i 15. veka porodica Toko postala je jedna od najuticajnijih familija Latinske Grčke. Istražujući kompleksne strukture moći pet generacija ove porodice koje su vladale grčkim oblastima Heptaneza, Epira i Peleponeza, The Tocco of the Greek Realm otkriva složeni nexus dinamičnih ličnih i političkih odnosa, kao i širih socio-istorijskih procesa koji su transformisali ovu porodicu od predstavnika nižeg plemstva anževinskog Napulja do elite koja je nezavisno vladala regionom na razmeđi vizantijskog Istoka i latinskog Zapada. Saga o plemstvu, moći i migraciji porodice Toko donosi i kritički pregled rano-modernih i modernih naučnih stanovišta o ovome rodu, u isto vreme analizirajući i poredeći iskaze najšireg korpusa primarnih izvora: narativnih dela na latinskom i grčkom jeziku, neobjavljenih ili malo poznatih porodičnih dokumenata i genealogija, zakonskih akata i diplomatske korespondencije, trgovačkih knjiga i izveštaja o arheološkim nalazima.

“Novi detalji i zaključci koje otkriva ovaj pogled u porodičnu mikro-istoriju i ulogu koju je ovaj rod imao u regionu zasigurno će iziskivati novo tumačenje porodice Toko kao primera načina na koji su elite kasnog srednjeg veka-rane moderne epohe upravljale uslovima promene u svetu koji se menja.” (Prof. Emeritus János Bak, Centralnoevropski Univerzitet, Budimpešta).

“Porodica Toko bila je iz onog plemićkog sloja koji se obično previđa u opštim prikazima, ali ipak ne toliko niskog da bi bio zanemaren u našim izvorima...Ova vrsta teritorijalnih vladara mora da deluje za račun svoga suzerena, no, u isto vreme, hitno potrebuje viši socijalni i ekonomski status... Procesi ove vrste obično traju po nekoliko generacija, i upravo ove generacije, kao i njihovi individualni protagonisti, njihova politička i društvena delovanja, te viđenja samih sebe, uzimaju se u obzir postepeno jedni za drugim: Nada Zečević brižljivo je prikazala sliku uključenja, a zatim i isključenja u „plimi i oseci“ vremena.” (Prof. Felicitas Schmieder, Fakultät für Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften, FernUniversität, Hagen).

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Vizantija , Istorija Vizantije
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Istorija

Izdavač: Makart; 2014; Broširani povez; latinica; 23 cm; 220 str.; 978-86-87115-11-8;