David Urquhart the First British Diplomat in Serbia

Jelena Paunović-Štermenski (autor)

David Urquhart the First British Diplomat in Serbia
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Life of David Urquhart (1805-1877) and analyses his position on British foreign and domestic policy from the Treaty of Unkiar Iskelesy in 1833 till the handing over of Turkish fortresses to Serbia in 1868. One of Urquhart"s largest achievments is that he managed to awaken the interest of the British people for the East and familiarise them with circumstances in the Middle East. He influenced the development of Russophobia in Great Britain and the emergence of a negative attitude among the British public to Tsarist Russia.

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Velika Britanija
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Istorija

Izdavač: Akademska misao; 2014; Broširani povez; latinica; 24 cm; 187 str.; 978-86-7466-495-7;