Waging Heavy Peace

Nil Jang (autor)

Waging Heavy Peace

“Elliptical and personal...Waging Heavy Peace eschews chronology and skips the score-settling and titillation of other rocker biographies. Still, Young shows a little leg and has some laughs.... As the book progresses, the operatics of the rock life give way to signal family events, deconstructions of his musical partnerships and musings on the natural world. It is less a chronicle than a journal of self-appraisal.”
–David Carr, The New York Times

“Waging Heavy Peace finally is Neil Young on Neil Young. Inasmuc

h as this memoir compares to anything, it"s Dylan on Dylan in Chronicles Volume 1, and at the risk of offending, one must read it as perhaps one might the Bible: Young"s reality is plastic, his prose prophetic; and myth, metaphor and madness meander through his musings....It is a beautiful book, and the sturdy stock gives it a substantial heft. The prose is conversational, peppered with sentence fragments, more stream-of-consciousness than narrative. This in itself is lovely, as reading this book likely is a close as most of us will get to riding with Young in his bus, shooting the breeze, reminiscing.”
–Ted St. Godard, Winnipeg Free Press (Canada)

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Muzika , Engleska književnost
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Memoari, biografije, dnevnici, pisma

Izdavač: Dereta; 2013; latinica; 20 cm; 502 str.; 978-0-241-96216-9;