Stil života srpskih turista

Marija Najdić (autor)

Stil života srpskih turista
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Stil života srpskih turista (VALS)
Rezultati omnibus istraživanja prikupljeni su u Srbiji u periodu 16–21.06.2012. tehnikom F-2-F (licem–u–lice) i istraživanjem CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing). Svih 1.000 ispitanika (100%) dali su odgovore na sva postavljena pitanja (osim u slučaju finansijskih primanja gde 4% nije dalo odgovor na pitanje o mesečnim prihodima svog domaćinstva). Terensko prikupljanje podataka realizovala je marketinška agencija Ipsos Strategic Marketing iz Beograda, dok je statistička obrada podataka i interpretacija rezultata istraživanja delo autorke monografije. VALS upitnik i

matrica po kojoj su ispitanici grupisani u VALS segmente preuzeti su od kompanije SBI (Strategic Business Insights), bivše neprofitne istraživačke organizacije SRI International (Business Intelligence Division). Pitanja kojima se ispituju turističke aktivnosti ispitanika u pogledu planiranja putovanja i izbora turističke destinacije dodata su u skladu sa predmetnom analizom.

The Lifestyle of Serbian Tourists (VALS)
The results of the omnibus research were collected in Serbia from June 16th till 21st, 2012 using F-2-F (face-to-face) technique and CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) research. All 1,000 respondents (100%) answered all the questions from the questionnaire (except in case of financial income where 4% of the respondents did not answer the question about their monthly household income). Ipsos Strategic Marketing, a marketing agency from Belgrade, did the field data collection while the statistical analysis of the data and the interpretation of the results of the research are the work of the author of this monograph. The VALS questionnaire and matrix according to which the respondents are grouped into VALS segments were taken from SBI Company (Strategic Business Insights), the former SRI International (nonprofit research institute) which has been doing this sort of consumer analysis in the USA since 1958. The questions that examine tourist activities of the respondents in terms of trip planning and choosing a tourism destination have been added according to subject analysis.

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Turizam
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Turizam i putovanja

Izdavač: Zadužbina Andrejević; 2015; Broširani povez; ćirilica; 24 cm; 137 str.; 978-86-525-0237-0;