Ostrvo s blagom - Treasure Island

Robert Luis Stivenson (autor)

Ostrvo s blagom - Treasure Island

Stivenson je napisao Ostrvo s blagom kad je video da njegov nećak vodenim bojama slika mapu ostrva. Počeo je da smišlja imena za ostrvo: Ostrvo kostura, Brdo Durbin, dok naposletku nije, u gornjem desnom uglu stranice, napisao „Ostrvo s blagom“.

Posle duge bolesti („četrnaest godina ni jednog jedinog dana nisam bio zdrav“, napisao je), umro je na ostrvu Upolu u južnom Pacifiku, gde je u to doba živeo.

Šta mislite, je li našao blago na tom ostrvu?

Stevenson wrote Treasure Island when he saw his nephew use watercolours to paint the map of an island. He began to giv

e the island names: Skeleton Island or Spyglass Hill, until finaly writing „Treasure Island“ in the upper right-hand part of the page.

After a long illnes („for fourteen years I have not know a single day of health“ he wrote), he died on the Island of Upolu, in the South Pacific, where he was livin at the time.

Do you think he found his treasure on the island?

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Knjige za školarce
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Romani i priče za decu

Izdavač: Laguna; 2015; Broširani povez; latinica; 20 cm; 68 str.; 978-86-521-1756-7;